In general, ASA is the considered the safest form of laser vision correction. Typically, this procedure is recommended for candidates who have the following conditions because advanced surface ablation leaves the cornea more structurally intact, minimizes dry eye symptoms, and allows for the correction of more severe refractive errors.
● Thinner than average corneas
● “Soft” corneas
● Dry eyes
● Severe refractive errors
● Lifestyles that place them at increased risk for eye injury
Although visual recovery takes longer, ISA® Customized Advanced Surface Ablation is the safer approach to laser vision correction in some cases and can result in and better vision than ISA® Customized LASIK in these patients.
Between the two main types of laser vision correction, and among the many other surgical options available, there is a specific customized solution that will yield the best results for you. By using the ISA® approach, our Surgeon will determine which procedure is best suited for your unique needs.